
What is Decode Investing?

Decode investing is a set of tools that help investors discover opportunities and identify risks in the stock market.

Why did you build Decode Investing?

Value investing is a form of investing used by some of the most successful investors in the world, but there is a lack of mainstream adoption of value investing. It is simple in concept but difficult to put into practice. I wanted to help make value investing more accessible to the average investor.

Phil Town started a movement with Rule One Investing, he made value investing approachable and practical, he put it in a way that anyone can learn and apply it successfully. A problem I noticed is that there is a lack of modern software tools for Value Investing. Most existing tools have not kept up with advancements in technology and software development.

I want to help pass on this amazing principle and strategy called Value Investing to a new generation of Investors. I want to use the best technologies available today to build the best modern software tools for the next generation of value investors.

Are you an Investment Education company?

No, we are a software company, our first goal is to build great software tools that make it easy for anyone to apply sound investing principles and make great investment returns. Our product is still in a very early beta version, but we are iterating very fast and making improvements.

What resources do you recommend to learn more about modern value investing?
I wrote this small introduction to value investing How to make impressive returns from the stock market. I also recommend these 3 books for an introduction and practical guide to Value Investing, Rule #1 by Phil Town, Payback Time by Phil Town, and The education of a Value Investor by Guy Spier. Phil Town’s Youtube channel is also very good, also check out Warren Buffet interviews on Youtube especially the ones from Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholder meeting.
If Value Investing is so good why isn’t everyone doing it?
Value Investing is difficult to put into practice without the proper tools. We are building those tools, we want to change the way the average investor analyzes companies and investments. Technology can help us make much better investing decisions.
What algorithms are you using to rank companies on your website?
We use a company's historical financial performance to determine objectively if it is a wonderful business. I described the process in detail here: How to identify a wonderful business
How do you calculate the Margin of Safety Price or fair value for stocks on your website?
We use the method I described in detail here: How to calculate the true value of a business. We also use the Payback Time Valuation method I described here Payback Time valuation method
Are you a financial Advisor?
No, we are a software company.
How accurate is your data?
We index our own data directly from the SEC Edgar system. We pull and index company SEC filings and then extract their financial data from XBRL documents every day. We try our best to ensure that all our data is accurate. However, the current version of our product is still a very early MVP (Minimum viable product). There may be some inaccuracies or limitations. We are working hard to ensure that all our data is accurate, and we are iterating very fast, fixing any issues or bugs that arise. We also want to thank you for using this very early version of our product. We encourage you to do your own research (using different sources) before making any investment decision. Our current product is a good starting point in your analysis to determine if a company will make a good investment in your portfolio. I can guarantee that our algorithms' data and analysis on the site are mostly accurate. I am a value investor, and I am already using it. We felt it was ready for public release while iterated and made improvements.
Where do you get your stock quote data?
We get our stock quote data from IEX cloud. Quote Data provided by IEX Cloud
Who is behind this?
My name is Obi Akubue, I am a software engineer and value investor. I am also the founder of Decode Investing. You can reach me at
How can I support the community?
Join us on reddit /r/DecodeInvesting/